Notes of Spring Reactive
Reactive programming
Spring WebFlux
- Spring WebFlux
- Passing context with spring WebFlux
- Doing stuff with Spring WebFlux
- Authentication and Authorization Using JWT on Spring Webflux
Passing context between steps in the pipeline
Reactive Spring Data
Handling errors
- Handling Errors in Spring WebFlux
- switchIfEmpty
return Mono
.switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new HttpClientErrorException(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, "")))
.flatMap(entity -> repository.updateById(id, entity))
.map(createdEntity -> conversionService.convert(createdEntity, TargetObject.class));
// @formatter:on
- common method to return error while empty. link
public <T> Mono<T> errorIfEmpty(Mono<T> source) {
return source.switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> Mono.error(new RuntimeException())));
Mono<String> foo = Mono.empty().transform(this::errorIfEmpty);
Spring Reactive WebClient
Create WebClient with custom connect/read [[timeout]]
If it’s just to avoid the timeout during debug, the timeout
can be configured at the webclient
// @formatter:off
webClient = WebTestClient.bindToServer()
.defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
.responseTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(60000)) // this sets the timeout to 60s
// @formatter:on
private WebClient createWebClientWithConnectAndReadTimeOuts(int connectTimeOut, long readTimeOut) {
// create reactor netty HTTP client
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create()
.tcpConfiguration(tcpClient -> {
tcpClient = tcpClient.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, connectTimeOut);
tcpClient = tcpClient.doOnConnected(conn -> conn
.addHandlerLast(new ReadTimeoutHandler(readTimeOut, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
return tcpClient;
// create a client http connector using above http client
ClientHttpConnector connector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient);
// use this configured http connector to build the web client
return WebClient.builder().clientConnector(connector).build();
Sample projects
- Tuto - Building a Reactive RESTful API with Spring WebFlux Java
- Authentication and Authorization Using JWT on Spring Webflux
- A very nice blog with a lot of sample usage of reactor APIs: Reactive systems using Reactor
- How to take control over the execution of Mono and Flux ?