setup a docker environment using vagrant

1 minute read

I have played with docker a little bit about one or two years ago, when it began popular everywhere. However, since I don’t really need to use it for my work at that time. I didn’t spent a lot of time on it.

Very recently, some of our development and test environment have been moved to docker now. So it’s time to think about how could I setup a docker environment on my macbook easily.

I did some research before I started. Vagrant was the first one came up. I have used it before. It is really convenient and easy to provision a vm by define/configure a vagrant configuration file, including docker. So you won’t need to waste your time to install the image, configure the server. Isn’t it nice!

I am using this article to summarize something helpful I found during the use of vagrant and docker:

Vagrant file I use:

This is the vagrant file I use right now. It gives me a docker environment provisioned, and has a local folder mapped to the virtual machine, and also has a network port(80) mapped to the host machine(10080).


Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "precise64"
  config.vm.box_url = ""
  config.vm.provision "docker"
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant" :forwarded_port, host: 10080, guest: 80

Find the host ip address

Sometime it is not very straightforward to figure out the accessible host ip address from inside the vm. The following command will help you. ** Note ** Credit belong to stackoverflow

# Get the host ip that can be used from inside of the guest os.
netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10

