Add a new disk to ubuntu in Virtualbox
I have a Ubuntu box running in virutualbox as a local development environment. It’s very handy for exploring some new tools or working on some side projects....
I have a Ubuntu box running in virutualbox as a local development environment. It’s very handy for exploring some new tools or working on some side projects....
Retrieve project owner info
It might be a question why do you need to run vagrant inside a vm. The reason I am trying to do this is because I have a home server which runs on Windows (c...
This has been a question in my mind for a while, and it comes back recently because I have to run some slow playbooks in multiple hosts and I wish I could ru...
I have a Synology NAS at home and I have setup a plex server to serve some of the my media collections. It has been working pretty well in the past. However,...
Avro 1.4.0 Specification
Install gitbook CLI
Create custom resources for kubernetes
Run tests
Kubernetes logging architecture
Sometimes when I try to edit in VimR, I got complaints about No "python3" provider found. Run ":checkhealth providerr":
Feign Rest Client
Content security policy
Hystrix configuration
Setup package manager
API test is very important for microservice development. You need a test suite that continuously tests your service and validate it works as expected. Or any...
Top Load Testing Tools: 50 Useful Tools for Load Testing Websites, Apps, and More 14 Best Performance Testing Tools & APM Solutions End-to-end Per...
Kafka optimization
My vim has been quite slow on startup and I really want to make it faster, otherwise it would be a pain to use vim, which should not be the case!
Reactive programming
Truststore v.s. Keystore
# login to ibmcloud cli ibmcloud login --apikey <path_to_the_api_key_file> # list all clusters ibmcloud ks cluster ls # list resource groups ibmcloud r...
Just use this post to write down some techniques about debugging java applications, especially for multi-thread, deadlock or memory issues.
Use this post to summarize some workflows I uses in my daily development.
It is pretty common for a modern java project to use Maven or Gradle to help manage the dependencies, which usually works pretty well for small project or si...
Some common errors related to SSL negotiation:
Common application properties
The basic idea is to use nginx for
Feign client
When to use Cassandra
Bash variables
Just use this article to collect some common lessons/issues around redis.
Record the ways of deprecation in GraphQL.
Jacoco has been used in the project to assure the test coverage. However, I didn’t realize that the jacoco job in jenkins is using a different plugin than th...
As a Java developer, Mockito is your good friend for unit test. Using this to record some frequently used Mockito usages:
I have been using Ansible to automate some of environment setup work during my daily development/test. One thing I recently run across is to handle the int...
I ran into a weird issue in eclipse, where the ‘marketplace’ menu is gone from the Help menu.
If you want to launch a project from command line, you can use the command line tool to do it. The cli tool doesn’t install with Intellij, you have to instal...
For some reasons, macOS doesn’t allow you to run applications on the default http or https port. But sometimes you might want to have your application run on...
This might not be common, but we have to work with proxy to access our docker server, to set a proxy, you can add the following in your .bashrc:
Httpie is a fantastic command line tool that help you do more http interations using the command prompt, similar to curl, but much much better.
This might not be a common scenario, but sometimes you might need to iterate all of the properties managed by archaius utlity. Here is the code that can you ...
Try to summarize some common command for gradle:
I created a nodejs client to test our application. The application is still using a self-signed certificate to run https. So I got this error when I try to c...
If you use MAMP and want to connect mysql from terminal, you should use the following command:
Create this article to summarize my scirpts to setup my Macbook:
This is a sample project to demonstrate the usage of WebSphere Liberty Trust Association Interceptor (TAI). TAI is used in one of our projects as the authent...
This is to keep a note about some cookie related problems I recently ran into. It’s pretty much IE related..
In our company, we have to use a proxy server to connect to our repository when working with VPN connection (which is terrible, but you just have to live wit...
I need to analyze some logs produced in our application, which involves a lot of time calculation. And I think Excel is a good tool to help me calculate the ...
I was playing with Angular2 recently and it has been a quite enjoyful expeirence, until I ran into the ‘unexpected token <’ error:
This post just tries to summarize some frequently used vim commands that I can not remember (which is unforuante):
It is fairly simple to enable disqus for jekyll.
I ran into some issues with syntax checking for typescript code in vim. I have been using Syntastic for quite a while, and it has been very helpful for all t...
As a developer, command line is my good friend and I spend a lot of time on it every day. It is always important to be efficient on what you do a lot! This p...
In fact, I have used this domain name a while back. And I just decided to pick it up again. To use a custom domain name with github pages is fairly simple. W...
I have to work with some projects that are created using gradle. And when I tried to import the project into eclipse, I had run into issues and it took me qu...
As a regular runner, I own a Garmin Fenix 3. The watch is quite nice, but it still runs into some issues occasionally. Today it is dead frozen, and won’t res...
I have upgraded to the most recent jekyll version and was prompted by Github that the code highlighter(redcarpet) I have been using is out of support soon in...
Just to keep a note about some frequently used git commands:
This will be a summary about tools, commands, useful links that help me in my day to day life. And it will be kept updating..
I have played with docker a little bit about one or two years ago, when it began popular everywhere. However, since I don’t really need to use it for my work...
I have been using vundle to manage my vim plugins for quite a while. It works pretty well. However, I just found a new option very recently - vim-plug. vim-p...
I am using zsh as my default shell. However, when I tried to use rake command to create new post (The Rakefile is cloned from [jekyll rake files] (https://gi...
Begin to use this blog to take some quick notes that I may need to find later.
I can not remember how many blogs I have created previously. But as a shameful result, none of them last for a long time. The longest one is probably the one...